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Posted: FuseR Date of post: 13.06.2017

More Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization. Legalize Cannabis — Sites for and against marijuana. Medical Marijuana — Find out the truth about medical marijuana at Medical Marijuana Blog. Vaporizer — Premium herbal vaporizers at very low prices. Hydroponic Marijuana — Grow unbelievable buds, which means you need to smoke less for a sensational stoned feeling. Marijuana Prices — Fascinating site that reveals marijuana prices and which states have the highest rates of marijuana use in the USA.

Marijuana Tea — A great way to consume your greens in a lovely drink. This vibes has been motivating my spirit and keeping me stronger the more even when I am in pains and in tears. I am Glenna Trish from Ohio, US.

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If you have any type of cancer problem or you are also infected with any kind of disease, contact him Drwilliams gmail. I dont think its our place to say what is wrong and what is right. My Daughter has been battling with breast cancer for the past 13 years, having gone through various treatment like Surgery, Chemo, radiation, pills and so on without a promising result in the past years.

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What A living God we serve. Katrina Successful in beating her breast cancer within 5 months constant treatment with Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil which we sourced via: So much thanks to Dr. This is the kind of news you should never keep to yourself, it your civil right to make a publicity to the world, as hope is needed by all. Thanks All as we share the Good news of Mine to save more souls from suffering. After the 90 days treatment, i went to see the doctor and i was told that i am no longer a cancer patient.

My ma always told me life is like a farm of marijuana u never no what your highness will be at ive been snorting cocaine and smoking weed every day infact i was born on april 20th i also suck vape and i was on the magic school bus with mrs.

Frizzle and then i went to America to give trump my spacial meth pipe i got wen i was 4 but then i snorted some more cocaine my addiction happened when i was a baby my ma always put bath salts in my tub and i would eat them and after that i relized i was made to be a drug addict sincerely carl murphys.

I stratde usign pot whin i wuz 13 yars old. I hav smokt it for ovr 30 yars und al i cen sey is i hsd haved a purty guut life. Legalizing drugs will send a message to children that drug use is acceptable? In my opinion, alcohol makes you stupid, pot makes you happy. In my opinion, alcohol make you stupid, pot make you happy.

Medical Marijuana is a proven treatment for a wide range of painful medical conditions, and with the right treatment program, troubling side effects can be minimized.

Yes some violence has been done involving marijuana but that is the same with sober sane people. We as human beings will do things if its legal or not the only difference is if it is legal we can start to help people get better instead of punishing them, we can increase the economic value and start more jobs along with making more activities for the youth to try and prevent drug use by building places for kids to hangout and giving them things to do that will entertain them.

I can understand your views as it does have some drawbacks but in a society where there is no good choice you would do well to choose the lesser of two evils. Marijuana Vs Alcohol is the worst argument you could make.

Let me make my point here. If there were two poisonous fruits. One legal and one not. When from a rational point of view both should be illegal. Health benefits is an argument also made by alcohol. A daily glass of wine is good for the heart.

However, the issue is we do not consume responsibly. Over use of marijuana, which has addicting components, will only add to this nations obesity crisis. The fact is, yes alcohol can kill people. There has been car accidents due to marijuana use. There has been violence over marijuana. Sure it calms some people, but some people get irrationally paranoid. These things claim lives.

Stop comparing two poisons. Marijuana already is used in excess and still no one has died from it. By legalizing marijuana we are taking it out of the hands of gangs and drug dealers and giving it to the gov. However we all see things differently. So if you would be so kind as to keep your negative thoughts to yourself??? I think that marijuana education is key. I couldnt have said that any better ……THANK YOU…. Actually the legalization of marijuana would create jobs almost immediately.

Also, the crime rate would take a nose dive in neighborhoods where marijuana is the main and most lucrative drug on the street.

So before you start pointing fingers, sounding uneducated, and not doing the research on a topic you clearly know absolutely nothing about do every pothead a favor and smoke a dutch and tell me how great you feel. That is all dumbass. I dont love u but yess i defineitly agree if u have one or sum of the symtomes that marijuana is used for put down ur pills and try it without ur pills and within a few weeks u should feel better ….

Honestly i smoke it and grow my own that way i know my pot isnt injected with nasty chemicals it saves me money from buying it …. Not to mention most of the studies are only over a period of a few years and many of the studies conflict with each other… plus almost all the sources that give you any information on the topic are extremely biased. You all are quite hilarious. On the same note, the people against legalization are basically reiterating each other, claiming scientific studies to the contrary of pro-legalization also claiming scientific backing.

Marijuana IS a gateway drug. In saying that, it does not mean that whoever smokes marijuana will do hardcore drugs, but those who got in over their heads started with marijuana; because they started with marijuana, it can be classified as a gateway drug.

You are right, it is a gateway drug. However, if it were to be made legal there would be less people getting exposed to other drugs by drug dealers. I know people that have never smoked pot or cigs but do pills and cocaine acid so its not a gateway drug but poor decisions on people who want to try or get peer pressured to try….

Wow I love this so legalizing weed shows kids that it is acceptable? You can have an addiction but it is a physiological addiction not caused by addictive compounds like nicotine in tobacco it should be legal this is bullshit.

Marijuana alters your mind, how do you explain this to your kids? Or do you even have kids? GJ None-Smoker That Who Has No Problem With Marijuana But Strongly Disagrees With Person Above Me and why did you capitalize every word? You people are stupid marijuana IS A DRUG! No there are other alternatives. People who want marijuana have no moral ethics. Amen, I agree with you. And not to mention, what it will do to our already declined job-market.

There are enough unemployed Americans in this country, and by legalizing it, it will only add to the deficit. Looking at the bigger picture, more people will become lazy, unmotivated and become more dependent on the government since they will not be able to get hired on anywhere. It will create more leeches in our society who want a free handout from tax paying citizens. All i got to say is i smoke it all the time and i guarantee u couldnt keep up with me for a week so LAZY….

EVERYONE MAKES THERE OWN DECESIONS ……and sum people choose to do other drugs even those who have never smoked before so explain that for me will ya? And i smoked in school i was high honor roll student and smoked behind my moms back everyday but still had a 3. I have a teenager that had trouble focusing in school until he took a form of marijuana in a candy form. He took summer school every year since the fifth grade so he could pass, but not this past summer.

It helps him focus. Please STOP referring to Marijuana as a drug. IT IS NOT A DRUG… it is Natural… It is a herb that can be used for recreational purposes or medical reasons…NOT A DRUG!!!! Marijuana is definitely a drug. Leave it be and quit using cancer patients and medical purposes as an excuse. It is a drug. Read between lines, when you are sober.

I think that we are thinking about everyone else. I am thinking about the cost of housing those arrested for possession. I am thinking anout the billions spent trying to stop trafficking and sell of drugs and the billions spent on a war that we are not winning. The money saved could fund many other things, such as education which needs all the funding it can get.

Legalizing drugs such as marajuana will bring more resources the same as many state lotteries. Crime going up anyway cause jobs are becoming less!

How would it create jobs? I hate to break it to you, but in America most employers require a drug screening. It would only add to the decline of our job market.

Also, people would get lazier and more dependent on the government and my hard working tax dollars I pay at my job that I have to be drug tested for.

If it was legal the jobs wouldnt be able to discrimate…. Not alcohol in my book ive watched alcohol ruin atleast 6 of my friends lifes and half of my family…. Some of you guys are fools!

Smoking is smoking no matter what! Harm to your body. Everybody has to cooperate with me though. Two states are already legalized. Marijuana is used as medicine. This is my true opinion on this. True i agree with you Deven martin its such bull shit that they say all those things but im pretty sure legalization is in our future. Im a serious pot head so I could care less mannnnnnnn all i gotta say is Michelle told me to say EAT MORE VEGGIES when you get hunger.

Yeah… we all believe that the PRESIDENT is a pothead and never was caught IN THE WHITE HOUSE, smoking. Prohibition arose in the early twentieth century and now the government is profiting from the sale of the same.

Wow, I was for the legalization of cannabis, but I have read the comments above and this has changed my mind! I do not want to upset any of you, but you are quite ignorant and or, unintelligent! Its sad how pathetic the USA education system is! The comments above prove this to be true! The best thing you all could do is to not comment or speak to anyone about your ideas!

Please I want it to be legal, but your not helping! Sincerely, And I thought I was stupid!!!!! I think making legal is the right thing to do.

Tax it, regulate it, grow it. I smoked for 32 years. Started at 15 years old. The reason I stopped has a lot to do with man made laws. I have been working for 30 years and earned my AA in and will earn my BA in I expect to be smoking again when I retire at What are the statics showing the affect of marijuana vs alcohol. It seems to me that there is more abuse with alcohol.

From what I have seen, someone using marijuana is more mellow and get the munchies. Someone using alcohol can become abusive and it definitely affects their judgment. There have been more accidents, fata accidents, domestic abuse, criminal actions with the use of alcohol than there is with marijuana. From what I have witnessed, people high on marijuana just want to lay around and eat.

Also, from what I have seen on TV, if the plant is bred to have more CBD than THC it is beneficial for many medical uses. Can anyone tell me the beneficial affect of alcohol? I have met many people who have used marijuana and even more that have used alcohol, and two of those people who used alcohol are now in jail for driving drunk and killing families on the road.

Aloha Homey, Im not against you. But in way of correction. Yes marijuana is addictive. That is scientifically proven. The reason most of us believe its not addictive is because there is no signs of detox when you stop smoking. Its in your system for up to weeks; therefore it weans you off naturally.

So burn it when ever you need to chill and feel good about. Peace and Aloha my bruddah. WOW…thats a good idea…. I say VOTE for legalization. It helps with so many people out there who have health problems and also helps prevent others. I believe that we should all have a vote in the matter. I have smoked it on and off for years now and it is not as addictive as the non users say it is.

My memory is still in tact and it is safer than alcohol. If it were legal, I would probably quit drinking and be able to lose some weight. Thus, being more healthy. It should be my choice though as an adult. I could debate this topic all day but, I will keep this brief. I believe that more good than bad would come from legalizing and if the government could have figured out a way to tax it, it would have been legal years ago.

Sorry, that is to be Legalizing pot would make no difference if it stays illegal and we all know it. NO I DO NOT SMOKE ANYTHING. The majority of you, who left a message, want pot legal. Some say you smoke everyday, that is good for the lungs. Some say it does not effect your brain, check the spelling on most of you. Some say alcohol almost killed you, but pot did not.

Like everything else in this world, too much of anything can and will kill you. The most disturbing is: If it is legalized, people will be growing it in their backyards, basements and fields. It can grow just about anywhere, no one is going to go to the store to buy it, DUH!!! Then if you are caught with it, no big deal, it is legal. So how is this to help with the economy???? Medically, there is NO PROOF it has cured anything, the only thing it has done is ease the pain for those who are dying.

Which brings another good point, someone dying of lung cancer, here smoke this, put some more smoke in those lungs.

Legalizing pot would make no difference if it stays legal and we all know it. Weed is NOT a gateway drug. Weed cures cancer,If weed were legal crime rate around the US would drop percent over the next year. Nobody has ever overdosed on weed. High figures of society smoke it,A want to make it legal.

Crime rate would drop. Productivity at the work place would increase. It is not a gateway drug. Puts you in a great mood. More and More hospitals use it for patients,ding ding ding. There are more pros then cons on weed. Booze and tobacco are legal and they are PROVEN they do way more harm to your body then weed. How many people die from getting drunk and smoking,If they are gonna have weed illegal have booze and tobacco illegal to. To all the uninformed idiots that think they know what they are talking about but obviously dont need to get off this website and go hate on someone else.

Your not going to change anyones mind sorry, your wasting your time. Its already legal in so many states you didnt winand arent going to sorry we are going to and you need to just accept it. Call us what you want we DONT care, you know absolutely nothing obviously go talk about something you do know somewhere else. For the millionth time I have told everyone this: Legalize pot, sell it like cigarettes.

If cigarettes are lost no one wants them anymore then the tobacco companies can learn to grow MJ. Criminalize alcohol — period! Kills your liver and kidneys, makes you feel like crap afterwards etc. Never heard of an MJ OD. If there was one, I would need proof. I have smoked MJ from 17 — 28 yo.

Stopped when I got preg. When I turned 60 yoI picked it up again. I did without it for 32 years. Yes, I smoked once in a blue moon at a party or two but those were few and far between — remember, I had a kid to go home to and take care of with NO ONE to help me. So, no, it is not physically addicting — mentally maybe. MJ has given me relief from my allergies and when I was younger, I was never sick with colds or flu.

I am now 61 and feeling better than ever cuz I have been smoking for a year again. Well, I will leave you all and wish you all good luck, good smoking and good times. MaryJane is easier for most ppl to spell and most ppl know who she is. And to EVERYONE, before posting your opinion on this debate do as much research as possible.

You must look at both sides of the argument in order to disprove the ridiculous misconceptions towards weed. We have to understand why these people have this irrational fear, understand what they must have been preached to get these ridiculous attitudes towards a natural SAFE substance.

If you can understand why it is still illegal then I feel you can go on to post a valid argument. That is why i support a world-wide MEDICAL!

Re CON 1 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the single largest purchaser of wine and liquor in the U. I am 53 years old… been smoking pot since I was I can STILL carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone interested. I am the owner of a successful corporation at present. If ever there was a case study of the long-term effects of THC — I am that subject. Even with my longevity, the interest in a modest relaxation effort of smoking weed has not lead to a stronger drug use or addiction.

It is MY body and what I do is between God and myself. I see that some of the more judgmental personalities are the quickest to spew their ignorance about something they know nothing of.

Marijuana helps me… I have Endometriosis, and I get better relief from a natural substance… then I would from a chemically processed DRUG like Demerol… which is what they try to prescribe to me. I sleep for DAYS from taking 1 pill, and I am groggy and not able to function once I do wake up. I will continue to use marijauna for my comfort… legal or not.

Ok lets look at it this way. It has been studied and consensus says that pot is not addictive but we hear about it all the time.

As far as responsible people, I know business owners that smoke everyday and they are the owners of a very well respected business in a major metro area. There is always going to be disagreement on this subject but we should be reasonable about it. Lets look at the two states that has made it legal and see if there is a rise of crime are anything along those lines.

I believe that it would relieve the pressure on jail and prison overcrowding as well bring in revenue for the government. They should try thinking of someone else for once in their lives. If it was taxed it could stimulate the economy and help us get out of debt, the jails would be less crowded, and our tax dollars can be used for what they really should be used for, the war, oil, debt, cleaning up rough cities and towns.

If pot was legal, I feel like the whole country would be much more relaxed, we can focus on real issues and save room in jail for the real scum bags who deserve to be there.

Weed seems to have a good effect to the people that are doing it. When my boyfriend, chose to smoke weed over me I knew that there was a problem. Not only I felt left out and forgotten, I also felt used and foolish. Weed also cause short term memory loss. I already have to repeat myself to my bf, if he continues to do weed, will his remember anything? The truth was every time I said something he would just turn away. We are not together anymore because, I get a really bad shake tantrum and cant deal with the stress.

I still get shaky every time I think about weed. Sounds like ur a control freak and he needed the weed ti deal with u i have no problem in my relationship and my gf doesnt smoke and if it came down to it id feed her and go get stoned with mt friends ….

According to the law smoking marijuana is illegal so the people who argue and say marijuana should be legal are in fact felons.

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Last time I checked your mom told you to stay away from the wrong crowd felons would be included too dumbass. The reason they choose not to is they feel it is best for the citizens to avoid using a product that may harm themselves and others….

They tried to this for alcohol but it failed and they are currently succeeding with making marijuana illegal.

Aloha Shutup pot heads. Stealing a five cent candy is illegal but not a felony. Also Marijuana is considered a non criminal offense in my state Hawaii. Prohibition is only good for the criminals. At least legalization would provide regulation.

Maybe you should smoke a little bit of weed. And think about what you say before you say it. No body has the right to legislate morality. God gave all of us free will. To deny someone the right to decide for themselves, is to deny Gods will. Think about that before you go out on a crusade.

Marijuana is as harmless as caffeine. It should be legal and it helps to relieve pain made by severe diseases. Wow, I guess my last comments rang a little too true since they were not published. Aunty roof is allowed to be rude and call me ignorant and uninformed, yet I am not allowed to point out that this hostile and defensive attitude is exactly what you come up against when you try to have a civil debate with a drug abuser.

What a pair of completely ignorant commentators you are. I am a college lecturer educated to degree level. I smoke a lot of weed. So does my partner also educated to degree leveland one of my kids also educated to degree levelbut not the other still at school, but a straight A student nonetheless. They have both made cogent and informed decisions. The arguments that you make above are incredibly boring and have long been disproved, particularly in the eyes of our young people I teach them, I should know.

By arguing from a base of ingnorance you lose credibility and so, unfortunately, your view is instantly dismissed by those who know better. Psychodude — A gateway drug, really? I think if you did the research you would find that most drug users had booze before weed.

Is that a gateway drug. In fact, I bet most drug users had milk before weed. Is that a gateway drug? Roxanne — Living hell, really? Most of them are highly educated a lot more than me and they are all fully functioning, happy, effusive people.

You two obviously mix with the wrong crowd. There are issues surrounding the question of addiction and psychological problems. But these are in the minority and need to be addressed by good education and accessible information.

Young people are much brighter than you two give them credit for. You can over dose on drugs last I checked, not marijuana. The pros definitely out way the cons here. Legalizing marijuana will only reinforce the message to young people that weed is harmless, and that we as a society do not care about them.

People who are against legalization care about the devastating effects of marijuana use both in the individual, and on society as a whole. People who are for legalization either want the freedom to do what they want, even if it destroys lives, or they somehow will profit from it.

I have seen first hand that marijuana IS addictivie; it causes users to become apathetic, lazy and selfish; it shuts down the emotional development of teens; it leads to academic difficulties; it destroys family bonds; it impairs judgement and leads to devastating emotional, physical, and financial consequences for individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole.

I have witnessed this numerous times in my own family, and in other families who have suffered the hell of loving someone who only cares about getting high. Do we really want to live in a world where how did georgia make money in the 1700s behavior, and the substance that causes it, is accepted?

We need to wise up about what this drug is doing to us, and begin educating parents and kids with the truth about how it harms people. Proponents of legalization DO NOT care about other people, they simply want to indulge in their own selfish desires, or make a profit from people who are vulnerable. Yes- I knew there was a very reasonable comment on here. You took the words right out of my mouth. This is all about money and greed. There are plenty reasons why cannabis is just as helpful.

Legalizing it could reduce crime rate, stimulate the economy, and it can be used as medical benefits as well. It can act as a pain reliever as well as stimulate hunger for chemotherapy patients. As a psychologist, i am aganist pot, it is a gateway drug, many of my 14 and 15 year old clients have dropped out of school, have had many years of exposure to pot and like many of the young people on here think it does not affect your cognitive ability.

Wrong, I would challenge any of you who sit around and smoke pot for hours to post your grades.

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And even though people have not died from pot use, it still has major effects on the brain and on your ability to create postive cognitive decisions. Roxanne,seth,laura,and psychodude u guys need to be better eduated most of the kids that dropped outta school wasnt because of marijuana but because there parents were either drunks or pill heads or both and didnt make there kids do what they were supposed too….

And it all comes bank forex trading strategies to firm strict parenting and now i smoke everyday and can fix just about anything and build a house fix a car operate machinary and do it better than any drunk so its all in how ur raised and the decesions that u decide ti make period….

Maria The gateway theory is long disproved. My guess is that you sampled alcohol before meth, does that mean alcohol is a gateway drug….?

Most drug takers have eaten bagels, is that the gateway fxoptimax forexfactory There is no evidence to support the idea that marijuana is a gateway drug.

Ther are plenty of pot smokers who never touch any other drugs. I am one of them…. What kind of pothead would want too qo rob a bank? Second, most pothead wanna sit on the couch and watch tv and sleep. I am currently in period 1, not listening to my teacher, and doing a report on Legalizing Marijuana… All I gotta say is… GO POT: Alaska legalized marijuana for 7 years, the only reason why they banned it again was because people more and more people were starting to smoke it, im not saying that marijuana is a bad thing to legalize but im saying that there are still many cons and pros for it.

If we do legalize it our countries debt could be paid off in about a decade or so, but still there are many things to take into consideration. We have to watch the corporate power grabbers. Our country seems to have too much of this type of thing going on. I hope everyone is looking at Ron Paul for president. He has supported the legalization of marijuana and freedom in general.

I look forward to reversing the trends of over legislation with this type of man in office.

A pulmonologist and asthma expert told me that people w asthma who smoke weed should ALWAYS use their rescue inhaler FIRST! Please spread the word! I smoke weed and daily forex trading edge au webinars have asthma….

ALL I CAN SAY IS SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY …. Once the crop falls subject to government regulation, it will be subject to corporate control.

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I have visions of Monsanto destroying wild stands and smaller farms w their own GM hybrids and making it illegal to grow your own.

This is not paranoia. They have control of the wheat crop in Iraq cradle of civilization, home of wheat cultivation. As we move toward legalization, it is extremely important the we pay attention to the agribusiness and big pharma mastering currency market pdf that will, inevitably, try to seize control of the crop, its quality, its price, and who is allowed to grow it i.

Never have been in trouble with the law and never have tried any drugs except marijuana and alcohol. I mean VERY easy.

This is where weed comes in. Weed is certainly the way to go. There are no recorded deaths for cannabis use alone.

Not a single case. You simply cannot find a single case of a cannabis overdose. For the LD margin of a male weighing in at pounds, he would have to smoke approximately joints in roughly 10 minutes or less to reach dangerous THC toxicity levels. Everyone has their own beliefs and everyone needs to RESPECT that. This generation is lacking the respect. What happened to kill the person with kindess? Stop arguing and respect other peoples OPINION. This means that nobody is right nor wrong. Stop arguing and get on with your life.

Weed is the most relaxed drug. Our facts are more supported than yours. Marijuana should be legal. You know somethings wrong when people in your country are trying to make a plant illegal. Rite if i picked sum grass from my backyard and dryed it and smoked it they would it that illegal too…. I smoke every single day after a long day of work, lifting, and being productive.

I work 6 days a week sometimes 10 hours a day do to 2 jobs, and also lift 6 days a week.

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Now every night I hit my vaporizer and get a little high. Nobody around me knows that I smoke, because I do it responsibly and to help me relax and sleep GREAT at night. ANNUAL AMERICAN DEATHS CAUSED BY DRUGS TOBACCO ……………………ALCOHOL ……………………ALL LEGAL DRUGS …………. United States government, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics.

Oh and even if your not responsible, It is still a million times safer than any other substance that any teenager can get there hands on. Now how many pot junkies run around robbing places for marijuana? How many pot related fatalities not related to driving? NONE, Sure todays youth may smoke marijuana with their exactly how to win on the binary options but would you rather have them smoking sopmething that comes from the earth naturally or snacking down oxycodonehydros and ecstasy?

I know there are alot of concerned parents out there saying marijuana is bad and in the very long term it can make you lazy and stupid, THATS TRUE ILL ADMIT THAT, but after a long day of work or for a celebratory treat, some people drink a few brewskies, and some smoke a bowl. PLUS, the drug cartels would have one less drug to kill people over.

SURE people shouldnt stockbroker stress facts while smoking but then again you shouldnt drink either. HOW many teens lives are ruined because of a pot charge they get with thier friends. I smoke marijuana and i write stories because it eases my mind off the stress of the day. Marijuana helps sooth these horrible feelings plus giving me a creative state of mind to write stories. The beautiful but subtle euphoria of a marijuana high helps you relax prompting you to approach anything with a very different attitude.

Imagen a world with a low crime rate. I grew the marijuana for over a decade, I had my High points as well as a few random unexpected follies, as can occur in a not so sterile indoor space. If I were just stoned from the reefer, I probably would not have wrecked into a wall at top speed. I smoked the marijuana from the age of fifteen until my drunken accident at almost thirty and other that possession arrests, never had a downfall from it.

I have been promoting legalization for my lifetime! I must criticize the 15 year old for his insulting misspelling in his post.

Free the plant that grows natural and do away with the manmade chemicals! Peace Love and String Cheese!

The experience of traumatic stress is very common, and an estimated 10 percent of women and 5 percent of men experience PTSD at some point in their life. The risk for developing PTSD varies greatly with different kinds of trauma.

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Women are especially likely to develop PTSD following rape or other forms of sexual assault. Combat exposure has been found to be the most common cause of PTSD in men. A new study conducted by psychology experts at Haifa University in Israel shows that marijuana used promptly to rats that suffer emotional stress can effectively block the creation of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD.

As long as the rodents were addressed with weed within 24 hours of the traumatic encounter, PTSD symptoms were avoided. The study was released in the publication Neuropsychopharmacology. Marijuana cures PTSD in rats, Israeli study shows If this is tested in human are they going to legalize usage of weeds for medical purposes? Well i beleave that the USA can make changes about weed nasdaq stock market charts they dont want to stop crime so they want the drug dealers to fight over it to make them look good period.

There is a lot of good that can be done with the Hemp plant and I think that the government knows it earthquakes and stock market since they have built up so much bad propaganda about it they are not willing to admit their own mistake.

How is that millions of people are prescribed pain killers which cost 3x more to produce, and has numerous side effects including addiction is still legal? I have literally been watching my mother slowly die, to drugs that are legal and more toxic then marijuana. Thankfully, she is in in-patient care at a rehabilitation center, but because of her state my father and her will be divorcing. The drugs that are currently legal have completely ruined my mother and her marriage, yet if she would have been given the option for a drug that is truly temporary, and non-addictive, things could possibly be different right now.

I support marijuana legalization completely, because I am unable to ignore the terminal effects of our current system. It is a terrible tragedy that your sister died from smoking some pot laced with heroin. However, as people on this site have suggested, if marijuana was legalized and regulated slightly, then there would never be drug dealers selling marijuana with heroin mixed in. Your sister died while smoking weed, but it was not the weed that killed her.

It was the heroin. Weed is NOT a DRUG that is just what the GOV. Has labeled it the GOV. Lies to us everyday and the reason why tax withholding rate stock options call weed a drug is because people become aware of who they are and not a puppet for the GOV.

Japanese exchange rate history chart does not kill. My sister just died last month cause of weed that was laced with heroin. Regardless of the heroin. She HAD lots of friends, HAD a great job. WAS going to college. The want to smoke weed, getting the only weed around, smoking it, and then dead.

But my rebuttal is: Well here it is. As long as it is a pure grown, no additves, no mixtures. In fact i was a. Gunner for Convoy Security. The all american Hell. So for him, Soldier UP. Just tell yourself you was doing your job and forget about it. For everyone else, Weed as a medicinal drug only,Sounds great. Go outside, run around the block, go play some sports, learn how to play the keyboard.

There are so many alternatives to life other than weed or any other drug for that matter. My sister is dead cause she smoked weed. To deal with the memories of my deployment. Everyone has hardships and low points in their lives. But you as a person should make a mature decision on how you go about that stockbroker stress facts. Also on this link it has all sorts of info bout the benefits, how it started, cAme to anerica the timeline of the history of weed.

Hey sarah sorry but your just to wrong with your answers, you have no idea what smoking marijuana is all about, ive been smoking marijuana for 8 years now and im only It helps a lot with stress and releives your mind. Who cares about what the internet says about it, they must be smoking some shity ass buds volga of a call option from my weizmann forex gurgaon contact i dont forget anything and i certainly am still not addicted, ive quit many times but just wanted to start again because i loved getting stoned.

It makes you laugh and have a good time and on top of that it makes food taste managed trading forex as good!!! I agree with you Maui Waui….

My state is in the process of decriminalizing it, making it so that under a half ounce will just land you with a fine.

I am a sixteen year old boy on the island of Maui in HI. Ive smoked weed almost everyday since freshmen summer and im now going into sophmore summer. Weed hasnt shown any negative signs yet but i do no that it does impair your ability of short term memory. For someone to be on the FOR legalizing side, i have to say that weed can be very dangerous to the developing brain. All you stoners know that if u burn all day almost everyday, the day that your okay without being without craving for it, you feel a lot different.

Not stupid but jus different. But as an american we have the right to do whatever we want to our body. People throw up to get skinny, junk food is very bad but people eat the shit load of it, all these thing are bad for you but u dont see Cops breaking down ur door for this shit.

People smoke weed for all sorts of reasons. BUt think about it, besides the fact that they want to get high, arent the reasons for smoking weed the same for a ciggarette, and drinking alcohol. To calm down, to jus relax and forget about the day. They cant even put a number on the amount of people that died from this drug but yet they tell you it gives you cancer and all these other bad diseases.

As long as people use this drug responsibly and dont hurt anybody or anything while under the influence of mary jane then they should be aloud to smoke this shit whenever they want and for whatever they want. Your going to keep something illegal that isnt hurting anybody, doesnt kill anybody, that would lower tax rates and medically help people.

I see no problem with it. Who doesnt love the feeling of being high and it really does work if you are stressed out.

For me bein 15 and smoking it has no effect on me because i play tailback and fullback in football and my grades are a high B average, I even stay out of trouble.

Not all people act stupid when theyre high you yourself makes those choices, IT SHOULD BE LEGAL!!!!!!!! I say the ONLY reason marijuana is not legalized is because the government is corrupt and only out for themselves and money rather then the people because the drug scene and crime and violence against marijuana is making the government more money then if it were legalized and taxed.

There are way more Pros then Cons on this subject, plain and simple the country would be a better place if marijuana was legal, people would be nicer to each other which again leads to more violence and crime, no one has ever died from the use of marijuana in fact marijuana makes sick people better! If fact Alcohol is more dangerous and does more damage on your body then marijuana does and it is legal!!!

The truth is forex stock market egold invest paypal to gold government is not for the people and does not want to make the country better by making better people in modern society, preventing more crime, and boosting the economy or they would legalize marijuana.

The first con can not even be put under consideration being that alcohol and tobacco are sold by the government, and they the equity options strategy guide.pdf more harmful then marijuana, although my opinion is that all drugs should be put under intensive studies to learn all possible effects of the drug and if passing a test by the FDA, then the drug should be put on a decriminalized drug list and should be distributed and taxed by the government.

Please check out this link about the Drug Adviser for the UK Government who got sacked after saying Marijuana is less harmful than Alcohol and Cigs.

If not, We shalll all move to Amsterdam and live the Good Life! Peace to all the Marijuana Heads! Cannabis is a gateway drug. That is just another scare tactic. If you want to call anything a gateway drug it is Cigarettes and Alcohol.

Teens are more likely to try Tobacco or alcohol before the use of any other drug. To be clear the word drug means — is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. Now i am not saying hand it out to the kids at school but as an adult i should have the right to choose how to manage my illness. Marijuana is not the issue. If you are worried about your kids doing any kind of drugs thats where your job comes in to talk to them.

Stop being so afraid of talking to your kids. Honestly if your kids are turning to drugs then they already having issues. So be a parent and get to the bottom of the real issues. I will say this again. Cannabis is not for kids or teens. They are not mature enough to respect the effect of cannabis. Its amazing how so many people get there panties in a bunch when the talk of legalization of cannabis comes up, while most of you have alcohol sitting in your kitchens, or your pain meds in your medicine cabinet not locked up, right there where your kids can get access to.

Oh wait, i forgot its legal so it has to be ok. Well lets look at facts for the Death Rates in the U. Tobacco —per yr. I have been a daily cannabis user of over a few years now. I was on psychiatric meds for about 15 years. I have been on countless prescripition meds and therapy. What i got out of there home made drug was endless side effect, most of them was just as bad or even worse than what i am taking the meds for.

Post traumatic stress disorder. I was so afraid of what society thought for years i followed what the doctors thought was the best plan of action for me. Not knowing that some of the meds i was on will increase your suicidal tendencies. Not even mentioning countless other side effects that come along with taking there meds. After many years on as i call roller coaster of hell, I researched the effects of cannabis.

No i did not just pick up a joint and say this is for me. If you know a bi-polar mind its not that simple anyways we are always thinking even when we dont want to. I am not saying this is for everyone, but why prevent the people who benefit from it.

Are we not worth that. I know from my own experience how it has its benefits. Cannabis is not a cure, neither is pys. I am able to function with my family again, during my manic attacks it works the best. My concentration, communication is completely better, the thoughts that race in my mind are quiet when i am stoned.

I know the critics who dont agree but thats ok. I have some in my family that dont totally agree, but the see the positive effects it has had on me and my family.

I have heard that cannabis make depressed people worse. It lifts me out my depression where i can function as a person, a mother, and a wife. I become more creative, kinder, patient. Where as i am usually like a bomb ready to explode at any minute. Everyone on egg shells cause they dont know what kind of reaction i would have.

Thats not the kind of life i wanted for me or my family. I am not sitting in a mental hospital or dead from suicide, i am here with my family trying to live everyday the best i can. On perscription meds i was hospitalized over 6 times away from my family. Tried to commit suicide over many years. Since the start of amiga stock market cannabis use i am very proud to say in the last few years 0 times in the hospital, 0 suicide attempts.

Yes i still get depressed, crazy as some would say, and thoughts of suicide still crosses my mind. Its not a cure. But it does help me mentally cope on a daily basis.

Thats what counts i am still here fighting it. I get to wake up everyday and be with my family, enjoy my time with my children. They are the reason i fight this illness everyday. So to be blunt i will take being stoned and feel more normal, than being locked away in some mental hospital, or having my kids visting my grave site. Have respect for cannabis and the benefits it does have. I will not let society choose what is medically best for me. Dont Judge someone unless you have walked in there shoes.

60 second binary options indicators book on fighting the good fight everyone, wish we could do more. It is sad that the people that actually do support legalization have so many typing errors and talk without true conviction, in the end it only hurts their cause. In the recent years of research, almost every con stated above has be proven wrong.

There is nothing in marijuana that has ever been proven addictive ever. Almost everyone of my friends that uses tobacco has tried to stop and NOT ONE has ever succeeded. On the contrary I know of at least ten people, including myself, that stopped smoking weed and did it almost immediately.

Probably the biggest argument that everyone seems to keep forgetting is there are overalcohol and tobacco related deaths a year. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ONE DEATH FROM MARIJUANA EVER!

Every argument about marijuana as a gateway drug can be associated with alcohol. The reason marijuana continues to be illegal is not from facts or research but merely from words being thrown around and ignorant fear.

Free country my ass. Any country that gives its citizens jail time for smoking, sitting on a couch watching tv is obviously fucked up and needs to change its priorities. Reel livestock market you dont need to go to rehab for weed addiction and the government would be making billions every year from marijuana so you crunch your numbers right unless the government has to spend billions there going to make money.

I am all for legalizing weed. I have smoked for 4 years on and off. I was always able to stop when I wanted or needed to, and it was my decision to start smoking again because it helps to relieve the stress of a full time job and full time college, not because I am addicted.

I have always been responsible about it, I never let it affect my work or school time. There are a multitude of deaths every day of people involved in drinking and driving, and some people get violent when they drink. There are also plenty of deaths related to tobacco use such as lung cancer.

I think if all the politicians sat and smoked a fat joint they could stop fighting each other and we could get some decent changes in our goverment. And legalizing it would definitely help us out of our nearly bankrupt slump.

And the statement about it being a gateway drug is completely untrue. Never, will I ever, be interested in doing anything like cocaine or meth or whatever other hard drugs there is out there.

And of all the people I know that smoke weed, there are only maybe one or two of that I know do other drugs, and they did those before they ever smoked weed. As for a bad influence on our children, Work from home jobs in holland michigan would rather my child smoke weed than drink alcohol or use tobacco.

The only side effects of weed are feeling relaxed and happy, and getting the munchies. Alot better than lung or liver cancer, or getting violent, or being involved in a car crash. To all my fellow smokers, keep on doing your thing, we know alot more than the non-smokers! I am 57 years old. I never seen the inside of a jail.

I have only 3 driving tickets in my life. I consider myself as a good and decent person, with alot of great friends that mean the world to me. I still love my wife of 29 years. I treat people with respect. I just like to smoke weed. They let criminals out of jail everyday because of over populated prisons systems and jails. Man give me a break. This has gone far enough.

Pot needs to be legal. Theres too many of us of us out there that wants this. The worse thing about smokin weed is, when we run out. Then we have run down some little scuz to pay too much for some more. And we could go to nearest liquor store for it.

And it would be some really good stuff that was grown right and sold for a fair price. We need to get rid of all that Mescan Slagg anyway. Someone let me know what I can do to help I want it legalized in my lifetime.

I personally have driven countless times in a car where the driver was high, and if anything they were a better driver for it. And bob, you have such a typical prohibitionist attitude.

I have smoked since age I am 21 and i have a job and go to college. Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or cigarettes, as well as not physiologically addicting at all. So explain to me how it is so bad for you- it is used to help glaucoma and cancer patients for crying out loud. How can you argue that it is bad for you? There is literally not a single argument against legalizing weed. Tax revenue would go up which would help chip away at our mountain of debtcrime would go down, and jails would have more room for ACTUAL CRIMINALS, like murderers, thieves, and rapists.

A State cannot be involved with the distribution of substances considered immoral by relevant lots of the population. Both kill hundreds of thousands of people each year, and Marijuana? Never killed a person. Once again this also applies to Tobacco products and Alcohol. People are going to continue to buy drugs because its been a part of human society since the beginning of man.

They rob the user of free will. Nor can they disseminate themselves from drug taking. Thats exercising their free will. Drug use is dangerous to persons besides the user, in the rise of health care costs, violence associated with the use of drugs, neglect of children by drug-addicted parents, and other third party effects. Marijuana is a non violent drug. No one smokes and becomes enraged.

Prohibition is putting money into the hands of drug dealers. I know parents who smoke marijuana, and it doesnt make them a bad parent. Infact, these parents in which I speak of are very successful and have high income jobs. This is because of Prohibition. Drug dealers will sell to anyone, including children. Merchants who legally sell alcohol and tobacco are not allowed to sell to children. Many high school students report that it is easier to obtain illegal drugs than alcohol and tobacco.

Drug dealers sell to whoever has money. If marijuana was put behind counters then it would be just as hard to get as it were to obtain tobacco or alcohol. If anti-drug organizations want to bash away at alcohol and tobacco they will which they do then that puts a negative message into childrens minds.

Marijuana is safer then both of those substances, so if it is legalized then let it be bashed by these organizations! Leave marijuana to the adults who choose to smoke it, and out of the hands of children until they are of age. Marijuana is soooooooooo good. MARY JANE as me and my homies call it…. Taste it its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always wanted to speak my mind on this wonderful subject. I love God and i am a Christian and i believe that marijuana is truely medicinal. I am a patient person anyhow, but some how marijuana just mellows me out so that i can fully enjoy my child.

But i like to call it like it is. I cannot go on enough about MARIJUANA. I have done other drugs, those that could kill, eat you brain cells,etc i fortunately did not stay on those drugs very long. If you need more info about my experience, feel free to ask. Inthe US Congress placed marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act because they considered it to have no accepted medical use.

Since then, 16 of 50 US states and DC have legalized the medical use of marijuana? I notice weed has made me incredibly smarter than I was before I became a stoner.

I have never heard of a weed related death, and probably never will. The only thing that could cause death with weed is if a drug dealer shoots you for it! There is so much mis-informed comments on this thread. I will attempt to clarify a few notions that you all have which are completely and utterly WRONG. Because I try marijuana, I will absolutely want to try something else and harder like cocaine. This is a non-sensical argument. There has NEVER been any scientific proof OR data that shows any INHERENT properties in marijuana that make you want to try cocaine.

It is the criminilization of marijuana that make trying other drugs more common. Okay, first of all, the reason the gateway theory has been maintained is because the anti-marijuana people are idiots. You have drug dealers selling ILLEGAL substances, mixing the soft and hard drugs, therefore making hard drugs readily available to those who are only interested in buying soft drugs.

In addition, 1 out of marijuana smokers admit to using cocaine and less than that use heroin and other forms of hard drugs. Also, the marijuana causes cancer and other diseases theories are also fallacies. The federal government has released ONE study in the or s on how marijuana supposedly kills brain cells and can lead to death and that has been disproved. Scientists pumped marijuana smoke through gas masks into monkeys and they ended up dying.

If you are deprived of oxygen, your brain cells die and therefore, you die. Also, marijuana has been proven to help people cope with depression, multiple sclerosis, cancer, hepatitis, anxiety. This is off the top of my head so there are many, many other diseases that marijuana helps. Another thing is that hemp, derived from cannabis is one of the softest, most durable, natural fibers on the face of the Earth. It is more durable than cotton. Hemp seed is not psychoactive and cannot be used as a drug learn more at TestPledge.

Another thing is that the prohibition of marijuana directly effects the rise of organized crime. We have seen this during the prohibition of alcohol, where gang leaders such as Al Capone grew richer as disrespect for the law grew. Also, drug-dealers are anti marijauna legalization because it makes them richer.

It makes the price of a simple weed go up so much that marijuana is worth more than gold by the ounce. Prohibition of Marijuana only causes drug dealers to get rich and users to waste their money. If THC was bad for you, why do drugs like Marinol exist?

Marinol is an exact replica of the THC in Marijuana, except that it is synthetic. Also, as this website said, it is easier for kids to obtain illegal drugs than for kids to obtain legal substances like cigarettes and alcohol because of the restrictions. Well, if marijuana were to be legalized then those restrictions would also apply to that drug, making it more difficult for kids to get a hold of.

Think of all the great musicians and filmmakers. They all do it. Celebrated film makers such as Quentin Tarantino have admitted to using pot. I read a statistic that every single presidential candidate in the US has admitted to trying pot. The Business Behind Getting High. Also, the moral argument is ridiculous. People have different opinions. You might say that smoking pot is immoral while I might say that it is immoral to have it remain illegal.

I have seen a man who has multiple sclerosis smoke a joint or two and the difference in the way he holds himself is day and night. This man is in the aforementioned documentary and he will tell you himself. Without smoke pot, this man shake uncontrollably and cannot speak at all.

After a joint, he still stutters but he is able to sit comfortably and speak his mind. For conservatives, Marijuana legalization and regulation will help the economy. It can be used in almost every single way. I smoked marijuana for over 30 years. It saved my life. People regarded me as crazy and others as 50 years ahead of the times. We need to bring it to being and tax it to save america. My mother was a meth dealer and marijuana ,but i only turned to one so called drug of choice, MARIJUANA.

That helped me get throug to where i am right now, ALIVE. So thank you MaryJane…I realy want to become a defender for marijuana, I want to go to school for it so the cops could stop harrasing me and my family over petty laws.

My parents are seriously straight-edge and strongly disagree with the use of alcohol and blatantly hate drug-users. I have smoked a few times but was unfortunately caught by my mom. I would like to point out that I was able to stop the moment I wanted to. I was never confused after the high wore off, I remembered everything that happened while I was high, and I am not chasing kids around asking for it becuase I feel addicted to it.

I go to a performing arts school and literally see two to three drugs passes in the hall everyday. Weed is NEVER going away! It also seriously pisses me off that rapists and murderers walk on a daily basis and casual pot-smokers are JAILED for years at a time for smoking a natural herb. This is a truly messed up government. I think we should look towards Europe as an example and lower the drinking age, raise the driving age, and legalize cannabis. It makes the most sense, if you teach kids from an early age to be responsible with alcohol then they are much less likely to go party and get wasted as teenagers as a way to rebel against the establishment.

Weed is a step-stone drug to much worse things like heroin and others. I think the whole deal is they know marijuana is easy to obtain and grow so if they legalize it they cant have a company like tobacco companies to make profit because everyone can grow their own. Also, when looking at sites with reliable information you have to make sure that the site is from a good source. This site really does not explain who the source is??

Always, look at the drug control site to verify your myths. There has to be an issue when so many people are fighting for a drug that alters your moods and mind. Maybe its not the drug you are wanting but it could be phycological issues that make you feel that you need to be altering your moods. You are perfect just the way you are: I do not think that marijuana should be legalized for many reasons. First, alcohol is legal and our goverment spends millions of dollars every year on rehabilitation andlives were taken last year.

Why would we want to make a drug legal that will cost us more legalized than it does illegal. If you crunch the numbers what we would make in taxes would be doubled in cost for the pot smokers.

Most people who defend the legalization of marijuana are smokers of pot them selves. This brings me to this point, reseach why it should not be legal and not use your own experiences, you will see a new picture.

A pro on personal rights is not an agument for legalization. What about the slowed motor skills, or the loss in memory??? I study addiction and its not worth even tring it once, it is an addictive drug.

Alcohol addictions result in kidney failure. Marijuana should already be legal, but tobacco and distilleries would go bankrupt if it was legalized. Americans are always about MONEY, never about being happy…. So, these corporations keep on making money, and more Americans die from the complications induced by tobacco products, when all these poor people needed just one little joint every once in a while. This is a day and age when I am truly ashamed to be an American. To those Conservative fxxx-heads who frown upon legalization, shut the fuck up and enjoy some ganja.

I was very aginst marijuana my mother smokes it and i was always affraid she would die or get in trouble due to the bullshit i was fed in school about all of its harmfull affects like it being addictive they even showed us a film were a 13 year old boy took one hit and died and saying that a lot of people were allergic and the only way to find out was to smoke but if u did u could die i was terrafied but i met a friend who is currently a singer in my band and i finally came around and decided to experiment with it.

Now i consider myself a very intellegent person but i cant believe how ignorant i was but my first time smoking although i was nowhere nere violent or willing to break any laws i did get stupid but thats a thing that happens to a lot of first time smokers they dont know what to expect but after 2 more times of smoking spaced between about 2 months i realized i wanted to be a pothead and i started smoking regularly i considerd this an experement and documented everything i found from my perscription pills and other legal drugs compared to marijuana i found the following things.

PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SHOWN THAT THEY ARE GOING SMOKE IT ANYWAYS SO WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL. LEGALIZE IT ALREADY AND QUIT MAKING IT A BIG DEAL. I LOVE MARIJUANA AND VOICE OUT AMERICA NEEDS TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA!!!!! But thats what we all want for our familys, but you cant use marijuana as an addiction either, so you wing yourself on certain occasions, or maybe only in the evenings i dont know, peoples choice.

Life is our journey, and maybe to some marijuana is the love that fills there life long journey, or maybe your just upset that person makes more money than you and can afford too do so on there own solid terms. And bob you must be with the ronald reagan whitewash committee, i think if we had the advocates we have now for legalization of medicinal or recreational we could have over thrown his outcalled bill on smoking or the usage of marijuana. Dear Bob, I am a 19 year old female, who graduated high school, is a sophomore in college, and is also registered to vote.

I also contribute to society. So, please stop being an idiot, and realize you cannot put your closed minded image of pots heads on the shoulders of all those who smoke pot. I know that its my choise to smoke but who cares? I mean, who really has died for marijuana smoke and this conservative government is to ingnorant to realize that smoking marijuana is a great recreational PLANT to smoke instead of ciggerettes!

This bill will be terrible for Canada but lock up innocent people for months in prison… for only one baked brownie. This bill will even increase our taxes for all the prisons being filled up and harder law enforcement and will even increase the violence in society in Canada. The truth about marijuana is that it can be used as a medicine to some of the illness of the people.

There is what we call medical marijuana. And people who prefer using this marijuana should be allowed. The Hash bags can give them satisfaction. Problem solved weed makes u happy and make u think outside the box ppl are so stubborn on that it shoulnt be legal i say fuck that if the goverment tells u that milk is bad for u and it shoulnt be legal u would think is bad…the goverment is sick up their ass weed is the shit im 16 ive been smokin weed for a year i never been more happier in my short life fuck it get high everyday u never know if there is a tomorrow be real ppl nobody knows when ur goin to die.

I mean besides the obvious part about alcohol being proven again and again to be a deadly substance…. It would keep petty crimes like posession of marijuana, and growers of it out of jail. And off the taxpayers payroll. They have always classified marijuana as a dangerous narcotic. All the fear and hatred for this plant is just plain wrong.

It has so many helpful benefits for so many different people. I myself suffer from severe migraines. And when I can, I will purchase some for myself. Over all the years of trying legal meds to help, the only true pain killer is marijuana. This drug also used to be prescibed once upon a time by doctors for comon ailments like cramps, anxiety, and other things.

It needs to be legalised! It should be left for local government, not federal! The forgotten victims are the good people of Mexico, who coexist alongside evil cartels and a corrupt government fueled by OUR need for pot. The euphoria found from crystal meth resembles really good weed, but the meth is extremely more dangerous, phsychologically and physically addictive, unlike cannabis. Since most americans are mis-educated to classify mj with the hard stuff they sometimes get hooked on whatever is most readily available.

Unfortunately that happens to be crack, meth, prescription drugs, etc. Our laws support organized crime and make baptists feel like responsible voters. Christian raised citizens who turned to meth can blame their grand-parents for not legalizing pot. Our laws set folks up to make stupid, irresponsible, ignorant mistakes! MJ sometimes gets laced with pcp which gives pot a black eye. It should be as easy to get as a cigar. If hard drugs were more difficult to aquire than MJ our world would be a better place.

For every seemingly over-priced item they sell some weed is included. Kid working at Burger King gets busted for selling from the drive-thru. You never hear about busts over coffee, cigarettes, and whiskey. Neither should we hear about a bust over cannabis. Our economy would get better because the selling of marijuana would help our country get more money. Also, our population in prison get lower becauser most people in prison are in prison for marijuana.

Another reason is that drug rates would drop because most of our population does marijuana. I think that the way people who are against it see it, is as an immoral activity, and because of its illegality also see it as a crime. I would assume that they would even see those who use it for medicinal purposes are criminals as well. Many other assumptions and misconceptions about marijuana are also drifting around out there as well. This is a ridiculous assumption.

Also, that it will lead to the loss of ones motivation, short term memory loss, and many other things. All of which in, my experience, seem to be a bit radical. Though the differences on the way it effects your health and emotional status is staggering.

Some people on this site are regular marijuana users, some only on occasion, and others may not use it at all. I myself have used marijuana in the past quite regulary. For a little over a year I would have honestly considerd myself to be all of the little nick names that are given for regular pot smokers.

Pot head, stoner, etc. But never in my experience did I feel the need to commit any violent, or even non violent crime. Whether you live in a big city, small town, or even live in a strict religeous household.

Whether marijuana becomes legal or not, its never going to go away. The way that I see it, if you can drink alcohol, get yourself good and hammered drunk in the comfort of your home on a daily basis, then why is it so immoral to load yourself up a bowl of sweet stinky weed and use it in the same fashion? Well like I said earlier, there is not much I can do or say to change the way the government wants to handle things, or the way that people choose to feel about marijuana. And though my voice may only be heard by few, I am still glad that there are websites like this that give the people, not the government, a chance to give there opinion.

Obama has smoked weed, and he is currently president. Mike Phelps has smoked weed, and he has won how many gold medals? You clearly have never smoked weed. So dont talk about something you do not know much about. If you dont want marijuana legalized, shut up and quit crying to people online about it. Why dont YOU get a life and quit browsing online simply to hate on other people.

Land of the free? But would much rather my mom smoke a joint which eases her pain even more than the man made shit and has sideafects such as: So to all those who refuse god and go with man shame on them. Thank you to all those that agree god is smarter than man could ever think of becoming.

I have a great job working at a health food store and I have been smoking the herb since I was 15 years old, and for the past year or so I have been smoking marijuana every day.

I get my work done, keep my house clean, and go to the gym four days a week. Just like some people may enjoy a glass of wine, or a beer at the end of the day, I like to enjoy a fat bowl of a natural substance. I believe it is here for a reason not only for people to enjoy the high and to be at ease, but also as a medicine. She says that she can finally get good sleep at night and be happy, and not always worry about the effects that come along with her disease. She has a great job and supports her family, as do many other people who also smoke weed.

So here is for all the productive smokers out there! Great news from Canada. Their Supreme Court overturned a Alberta Court of Appeal decision and reinstated marijuana producing and trafficking convictions against Daniel James Gomboc of Calgary. Guy was apprehended after police raided his home and found a grow operation and keys of raw pot.

Cops became suspicious based on tips from neighbors that included condensation, steam and covered windows at his house. They claim to have an odor of marijuana in the air even beyond his property line. They also caught him by sneaking aroud with a digital recording ammeter, which utilities can attach to power lines to provide an intricate measure of how much power is being used in various parts of a house. Sucks to be him. Oh people, wake up and get a life.

Grow up, and be productive. Give back and start living. People should be allowed to smoke weed. I smoked Marijuana for a long time before I was forced to quit by the law, and I never had any problems with it while I was smoking it, and quiting was not too hard to do.

On the other hand, I have been wanting and trying to quit smoking tobacco for almost six months now, and still have not even broke the surface addiction to nicotine. This bill will be terrable for Canada but lock up innocent people for months in prison… for only one baked brownie. I read an article that the DEA is now focusing on banning even fake pot. When will they stop and focus on real problems in our country? I bet if we took a vote from Americans should pot be decriminalized, it would be yes!

By the way, love your website! My name is Sam and I am a college freshmen in New Hampshire. I am writing a research paper on the many benefits that cannabis have to offer patients or even people in general.

I was wondering if it was possible for you to please give me your input on the whole debate. I know you must be a busy person so if you do not have much time then I can understand. On your cons, the gateway theory, this is only an assumption by some man sitting in a fancy desk in an office.

Even if the government was to control the crop they would just put some kind of poison in it just like they done with tobacco. This country is supposed to be free.

I almost died of alcohol consumption, I have never smoked enough pot to die. The drug should be accepted. The very people that inhabited the so called United States of America ran the indians out of their land and Christopher Columbus the supposed founder of the U.

S, lead the assault. All I am saying is that if they were such peaceful, and not only that but they lived off of the land, and not the government. But you already know that they smoked from the peace pipe. Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. Sign me up for the newsletter. Buy Vaporizers Buy CBD Oil Vaporizer Reviews Marijuana Grow Guide.

Navigation Home Marijuana Facts Marijuana Myths Marijuana Addiction Marijuana Laws Marijuana Pros and Cons History of Marijuana. April 28, at March 4, at 4: August 30, at July 31, at 8: April 18, at 5: January 13, at 6: November 6, at 1: April 8, at 1: October 10, at 7: December 4, at 7: April 6, at 1: April 22, at 3: October 17, at June 22, at 8: June 19, at 9: October 29, at 3: May 11, at 7: April 2, at 6: Weed is all we need.

Mary Jane gets the fame. Marijuana makes me wanna holler. March 25, at 6: March 10, at 8: January 29, at 5: May 13, at 4: May 3, at 4: January 7, at 9: February 8, at 1: March 27, at 4: May 1, at April 30, at 5: April 25, at 3: April 25, at 4: April 14, at 5: June 21, at 4: May 14, at 7: April 18, at 9: April 24, at May 3, at 2: October 29, at 4: March 6, at 3: April 30, at 6: April 17, at 6: February 15, at February 17, at 6: April 14, at 4: April 13, at 6: April 10, at 4: April 8, at 8: April 10, at March 18, at 8: March 16, at 4: March 8, at March 16, at 5: October 13, at 2: None-Smoker That Who Has No Problem With Marijuana says: February 27, at 2: None-Smoker That Who Has No Problem With Marijuana But Strongly Disagrees With Person Above Me and why did you capitalize every word?

March 5, at 6: February 12, at 9: February 21, at 2: October 13, at 3: February 3, at 4: January 17, at 7: February 26, at 5: January 14, at 2: People Couldn't Be Blinder!!

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