How much money does a plc programmer make

Posted: phprus Date of post: 12.06.2017

Simply speaking, it is ease of use and flexibility at the end user level in that program changes are far easier to make. This makes it much more stable, easier to apply and bulletproof. It also has a simple and well known programming paradigm, protection against ESD and modest electrical overstress and carelessness. The heavy filtering and controlled rise and fall times that make PLC slower serve the purpose of working with long wires and high noise levels. But, provided you have a much more controlled environment and you attend to the details, a microcontroller can go way beyond what you can do with a PLC.

In a big box with a couple VFDs, a motor starter or two, many feet of square dressed wiring and very questionable grounding, you would probably wish you had used the PLC.

From the programming point of view, PLC manufacturers has developed standards such as statement list, structured text, ladder, function block diagram, sequencial function chart. With this standards user can concentrate on how to make their factory work and let the PLC manufacturer doing the circuitry and programming of the microcontroller inside the PLC and do the testing for the whole unit.

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System and software standardization makes it possible to find personnel yet experienced with your PLC system. My personal opinion is that this is true as long as you use only simple digital logic. When it comes to timers, counters and analog signal, I hate to see all the function blocks, where you have to look up and forget again what they do in detail. I prefer instruction lists and they are close to a uC's assembler code.

You can change the program on line while it is busy executing. The are very reliable. All the comments above are valid but for me the main advantage is relaibility and uptime. I have had experience of both PIC, etc and a wide range of PLC's.

In my opinion i spent a lot of time dealing with faulty chips or dealing with some quirk on the micro. I have found PLC's to be incredibly reliable easy to use. If i had to choose to run a massive production system there is NO way a micro would get a look in, it would be one of the Bigguns, Siemens, Rockwell, Omron etc.

Let me reply to two answers, which seem to say that something a PLC can do cannot be done with a microcontroller. A PLC is nothing but a microprocessor application. It was said that a microcontroller would not see an input in line 20 that was read in line That is not true.

The thing is consistency, i. The way to achieve this is to read all inputs at program start and copy the to memory.

Subsequent instructions then read the memory. This is what existing PLCs do. It was said that you cannot change parts of the program while running.

how much money does a plc programmer make

You would need an operating system or a monitor program that accepts the new instructions and stores them to free space in program memory. This system also keeps a list of addresses for each program block.

These addresses must also be used to call the program blocks when running. After complete reception of the modified block, the system changes the address in the list and marks the old block as free. This is in principle how PLCs achieve this feature. Since a PLC is simply a microprocessor with a given set of peripheral hardware, any differences are in software. It's the PLC executive that does the PLC things.

The notion that PLCs are inherently more reliable is hogwash as well. If you use the same grade of components and good manufacturing practices, there is no reason the results shouldn't be similar. You can't "test in" reliability, you can only weed out infant mortality and manufacturing defects. In short, there is nothing magical about PLCs. They are simply a highly engineered microprocessor based solution.

They have been based on a variety of very common processors and support chips with none, as far as I know, unavailable OTS. This may well have changed in this day of inexpensive ASICs, but the principle still holds. The hardware design is driven by requirements and the modular backplane and the software design is driven by features and the need for PLC like behaviour. It can't be that difficult as there are hundreds of designs competing and few real turkeys.

The biggest concern, as with most embedded designs is cost. This is not to downplay what these folks do, merely to stress that they are working engineers, not magicians and they could do the same thing for Joe Smith as Allen Bradley. The simple task of inserting a contact on the fly while the program is excuting has been engineered to the point where custoers do not even consider questioning whether it works or not. Having just come off of a project where the customer was using a java based system in a micro controller that had to be re-compiled every time a change was made AB, Modicon, Siemens, Omron, etc.

A Modicon used to sell for 20K to 30K and now you can get more capabilty in a product that costs a few thousand or less. Cetainly there are applications that require a custom solution and need to be addressed as such. We developed one for advanced process control ourselves.

But if a PLC can do it, I would go there first. I'd be the last to trivialize the time spent in engineering these systems. In fact, what's staggering is that the time was spent by each and every company in parallel producing functional duplicates. What I was getting at is that this high standard is pretty much the norm these days, with few exceptions, for even commodity goods.

When even the cheapest WalMart TV can be expected to run until it's picture tube degrades, the standards for industrial controllers can be very high indeed. And comparable reliability in electronics at absurdly low commodity prices. Software is much more of an issue these days than hardware. The limitations seem to be the mechanical parts. I quite agree, within the scope of what the PLC does well and especially standalone applications.

Once you've got a PC in the system things are a lot less clear. Even here, I agree mostly with the status quo buy gern stock using them as a display only unless they are running software of comparable quality to the PLC. But with the new demands for systems integration, some functions binary stock broker video tutorials recommended sites far better implemented on the PC and what the PLC does well is becoming a smaller part.

What we need is comparable engineering on the PC side, not simply using whatever is popular. Yes, One BIG one. Eventually, people figure out that, for non-trivial systems you still need engineering and experts. But, by that time they are effectively locked in. It's a very prevalent marketing method. And even when you've got the talent you really need, it's still less that that needed to roll your own.

For people who can do it, raw hardware will always be much more cost effective. It's all about talent. A microcontroller is a chip. A PLC is a finished product which happens to use a number of chips.

You could use a microcontroller to built a PLC. A person who buys a microcontroller wants to build an electronic controller. A person who buys a PLC wants to build a machine which uses an electronic controller.

PLC's over Microcontrollers you ask LADDER LOGIC is EASY and its simple to program a few rungs to get the job done In my business, integration of automated factories and chemical processes, it is more profitable to complete the project, and move on to another large construction project.

So I always stock market liberalization in india in systems where my client can take over the service themselves, or subcontact to any one of my competitors who is willing to do less profitable work.

Every system I install includes all development licenses and software, left on site as part of the deliveryables. Do you leave a PC with the compiler at your cusotmers sites?? I always knew I was unique, but maybe in this case I'm uniquely qualified to answer this. I have designed and marketed micro based industrial control solutions, and I've used PLC's for more than 20 years.

The last of my micro based systems were replaced as a part of a Y2K effort remember Y2K? I could not certify the units which had been in service for more than 10 years were Y2K compliant.

The writer of the real time kernel I used was no longer around. While I sold a forex nairobi exchange rate number of the controllers I never recouped the original development effort.

how much money does a plc programmer make

Sometimes I find it really annoying to have a project cost accounting system - it'd be soo much nicer just to revel in the satisfaction of a product well done. The PLC's I've used have these standard features: Self documenting code there is nothing you can write that I can't figure out. Modularity in the hardware structure. Modularity in the software design. Ability to design a strategy for failure mode. Self-inspecting for valid opcode during execution. Rigorous testing of each module to industry standards.

Traceability of components used. Availability of replacement hardware in most major centers. Whatever you design using a micro, you can achieve items 1 forex cargo long beach ca 4 with some effort.

But that is what customers buy, a complete solution - how much money does a plc programmer make a micro. This is a pernicious lie - pernicious, because it leads people into not documenting their stuff when they should. Languages vary in their balance of readability and webank e forex attributes, but there is no language that would be self-documenting in any meaningful sense.

Good comments tell what a section of code does, and possibly why, and good code in any language tells the how. Even figuring out whether a rung will ever activate is an NP-complete problem, so you're incorrect also on the formal level.

PLCs are already designed hardware more robust, adopted by the industries on large scale internationally, therefore PLC,s are mainly used for the logic control and process automation. I have a FYP on smart road traffic light and i am confused whether i use PIC or PLC in my hardware could i have an advice from you. It seems to me your solution name is "Arduino" I second that motion Arduino's are the hot ticket right now. I wish there were a 32 bit ARM microcontroller platform that was as easy to use as the arduino, but so far there haven't been any that have emerged that seem very strong Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'd love to know of such a thing!

That with an RTOS, industrial 24V IO, and optional LCD would be a very, very cool little device for simple to intermediate control needs. These both look interesting. I'll have to bookmark these and check them out when I get out of work. I noticed at least one with an Ethernet offering which was interesting.

What does a PLC Programmer typically make per hr? [Text] - - Interactive Q & A

Cortex M3 based Arduino-like platform. A bit problematic programming tools comparing to "pure" Arduino on ATmega, but 70 MHz and the ARM architecture with the same price It really comes down to where you want to spend money. If you're in a hurry, have the money, and know how to work with them, a PLC will be faster to develop and implement, and may be easier to market if you're trying to go that direction.

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By Mubeen Ahmed on 13 October, - By Lee Hess on 15 October, - 1: By M ghaffari on 15 October, - 5: By vishal on 4 March, - 8: By Curt Wuollet on 5 March, - By cecep on 22 October, - 4: It should be easier for electricians to use the ladder logic representation of PLC programs. By Stephen on 15 October, - 3: By Anonymous on 16 October, - 2: By Thomas Hergenhahn on 17 October, - By Curt Wuollet on 23 October, - 2: By Rick on 24 October, - 3: By Curt Wuollet on 29 October, - 4: By Mark Hutton on 18 October, - Thats like saying microcontrollers can do anything a PC can do.

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how much money does a plc programmer make

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