Fastest way to make money in sleeping dogs

Posted: Nessa Date of post: 18.06.2017


I'm trying to make bank in Sleeping Dogs. I've been doing the cockfights, which are sort of random.

Is there an established method of making money that has a really good return on investment? If you don't mind cheesing, just get to a save point close to some high stakes cockfight location, bet the max, save if you win, reload if you lose.

fastest way to make money in sleeping dogs

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fastest way to make money in sleeping dogs

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What's the fastest way to make money in Sleeping Dogs? - Arqade

What's the fastest way to make money in Fastest way to make money in sleeping dogs Dogs? Buy the DLC with the envelopes. Takes a while, but gets the job done, I suppose. Also nets you that one achievement.

Sleeping Dogs - Money Cheat HD

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fastest way to make money in sleeping dogs

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